
News / What's New - 1999

21st October 1999

HGMP have now released the course schedules for 2000.

8th September 1999

Updated the Windows port page to say that testing and bug fixing was nearly complete, and that the Windows version could be available commercially shortly.

5th July 1999

Updated the courses page to include the October 3-day course in London.

23rd June 1999

A Chinese mirror of this web site is now in operation. Thanks to Jingchu Luo for setting this up.

17th May 1999

A patch has been released to the 1999.0 package version. This fixes several bugs in Gap4, Pregap4, Nip4 and Trev. Please see the 1999.0 www page for full details.

8th March 1999

Following the course held at IB3 (George Mason Univeristy) a bulletin board has been set up by the IB3 staff. This can be reached from http://george.he.net/~afip/staden/ Initially the board was designed for course participants to exchange any comments on the courses themselves. However as an experiment this is now open to any discussion regarding the Staden Package. Please pass any comments back to us regarding the usefulness of the system, and whether you feel it makes a good alternative to the bionet.software.staden newsgroup.

8th April 1999

Added links to two additional web mirrors, both in USA. One is at IB3 (George Mason University) and the other is the GSC at WashU in St. Louis.

8th March 1999

We started shipping the 1999.0 CD by airmail today. It is now completely free to academics and there are no forms to sign. Please email staden-admin@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk to receive a copy. New licence agreements and costs.

26th February 1999

The background colour for the site is now white. This helps make headings in the home page stand out better now that we've changed them to be links. Please give us feedback if you feel strongly that the change in colour is either a good or a bad thing.

26th February 1999

Created a Courses page detailing the dates and locations of the "Sequencing Project Management using the Staden Package" courses.

21st February 1999

The master CD for the 1999.0 release is now in the hands of the CD duplicators. Apologies for the delays. We are expecting the CDs back during the 1st week of March and we'll post then post them promptly.

12th February 1999

The year 2000 compliance statement is now available. (In summary, the package is y2k ready.)

4th February 1999

Added a link to the Staden Package sequencing course being held at George Mason University on the 29th-31st March 1999.

1st February 1999

New licence agreements and costs. The package will now be completely free to academics. The cost for commercial users is unchanged.

1st February 1999

Announced the first alpha-test release of the Windows NT version.

25th January 1999

Built the 1999.0 package distribution. Please see the Release Notes for full details of the changes. We will update this web page once the release is ready for shipping.

25th January 1999

The Pregap4 beta testing is now complete. Pregap4 will cease to be available for ftp download once the 1999.0 distribution is publically available. The 1999.0 distribution will include Pregap4.

7th January 1999

We've emailed out a query regarding the operating systems that people would like the next release to be using. A copy of this mail can be found here. Please reply so that we may keep the package as widely available as possible.

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