
Courses about the Staden Package

A course entitled "Sequencing project management using the Staden package" is available as an introduction to using Pregap4 for pre-processing data and Gap4 for assembling and finishing the project.

The course lecturers are David Judge (from Cambridge University Department of Biochemistry) and James Bonfield (one of the Staden Package software developers at MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology).

Generally the courses run for between 2 and 3 days. The courses all cover the same basic topics, although they may be tailored to the specific needs of location providing the course. For full details of each course, please see the appropriate web sites.

Course dates and locations

June 12-13 2003. Cambridge, England
This course is organised by HGMP, but held in the Genetics Department of Cambridge University. Full details, including registration information, can be found on the HGMP courses page.

October 30-31 2003. Cambridge, England
This course is organised by HGMP, but held in the Genetics Department of Cambridge University. Full details, including registration information, can be found on the HGMP courses page.
