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Version-1999.0 Release Notes

Note: A patch for the 1999.0 version was released on 17th May 1999. This contains several bug fixes. Please see the end of this document for more details.


This release includes a complete rewrite of the pregap program, now known as pregap4. This now has both a graphical interface and a batch mode. Pregap4 is used for preparing sequences for assembly, and includes all the old pregap tasks (trace file conversion, vector clip, quality clipping, etc) and also interfaces to new modules, such as E.Coli screening, repeat masking, and batch-mode assembly (via programs such as phrap, fakII, cap2, cap3 and gap4). Several other programs have been updated in the production of pregap4, including vector_clip (which has more sensitive searching capabilities) and screen_seq (a new program).

The Gap4 program has had several major additions. The most significant are an increase of the maximum single sequence fragment length from 4096 bases to 30000 bases; a "notes" data type to store notebook style comments attached to sequences, contigs, or just the database as a whole; an interface to cap3; a better trace display showing any number of traces and with an improved 'lock' mode; and numerous other additions. See the below text for full details.

Programs using the sequence library browser (Nip4, Sip4, and Slim) can now optionally read SRS indices. This allows for integration with a local SRS setup and therefore extends the library searching capabilities to any SRS search. This also means that these programs can read more file formats than before. At present accessing SRS results over the WWW is not possible with these programs (although they can read local files, and so saving a WWW SRS search result to disk will work).

New version of vector_clip. It includes many new methods to improve accuracy, and in some cases speed. For the 3' sequencing vector it now uses dynamic programming (was hashing). The cloning vector clip now calculates the expected score for a given probability for each length of diagonal. Vector_clip also includes a new way to define the sequencing vector and primers. Vector clip can search multiple vector/primer pairs against each sequence (reading this data from the vector/primer pair file rather than the lines in the experiment files). The experiment file is updated to reflect which vector/primer pair gave the best (and acceptable) match.


This is a completely new program designed to replace pregap. For documentation, see Pregap4 - Table of Contents.


A new program for filtering out readings that contain the sequences of contaminants such as E. coli. Batches of readings can be compared to sets of possible contaminant sequences of any length. The search is very fast. Pregap4 includes an interface to screen_seq.


Main changes

Minor updates

Bug Fixes


Main changes

Minor updates

Bug Fixes


Main changes

(See also the Nip4 changes)

Minor updates

Bug Fixes


Main changes

Bug Fixes


Main changes

Bug Fixes


1999.0p1 Patch

This is an update to the 1999.0 release. Attempting to add this update to earlier releases will cause problems. The update fixes several problems related directly to the 1999.0 release, but also some bugs which existed in earlier package releases.

The patch may be downloaded by anonymous ftp to ftp://ftp.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/pub/staden/patches/1999.0/1999.0p1.tar.gz.

This will download the 1999.0p1.tar.gz file which should be placed in the staden home directory ($STADENROOT). To install the update, follow the following steps:

  1. Change to Staden Package home directory.
  2. If not already done, extract the 1999.0p1.tar.gz file in this directory.
    	gzip -cd 1999.0p1.tar.gz | tar xvf -
  3. Execute the install_update script with the update.1999.0p1.tar file as an argument:
    	./install_update update.1999.0p1.tar
  4. If required, search for files ending in ".1999.0p0". These are files which the install_update script has detected as being locally modified since the main 1999.0 release. Any local modifications will need to be manually applied to the updated copies.
    	find . -name "*.1999.0p0" -print

Bugs fixed

New features/Changes

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