Each sequence displayed in a SPIN Sequence Comparison Plot will have a corresponding cursor of a particular colour. In the picture above, the sequence on the horizontal axis has a vertical blue cursor whereas the sequence on the vertical axis has a horizontal olive green cursor. The same sequence displayed in several SPIN Sequence Comparison Plots will have a cursor of the same colour unless the sequence has been plotted on a different axis. The x and y positions of the cursors are indicated in the two boxes to the right of the crosshair check box respectively. To move a cursor, click on it with the middle mouse button, or Alt left mouse button, held down and drag the mouse. The cursor will move all other cursors displayed that relate to that sequence, whether they are in different SPIN Sequence Comparison Plots or within the sequence display.
Crosshairs can be turned on or off using the check button labelled "crosshairs". The x and y positions of the crosshairs are indicated in the two boxes to the right of the check box. The position of the crosshairs can be "frozen" at a particular position by pressing the control button and moving the mouse cursor outside the SPIN Sequence Comparison Plot window.
Plots can be enlarged either by resizing the window or zooming. Zooming is achieved in two ways: either using the buttons at the base of the plot; or by holding down the control key and right mouse button and dragging out a rectangle around the region to be zoomed. Rectangles that are too small are ignored and a warning bell will sound. The Back button will restore the plot to the previous magnification. Zooming will increase the magnification of the plot so that the contents of the dragged out rectangle fill the display. The scrollbars allow the SPIN Sequence Comparison Plot to be scrolled in both directions.
It is not possible to zoom the results from Rescan matches ( see section Finding Similar Spans).
The square boxes at the right edge of the SPIN Sequence Comparison Plot panels have the same colours as the individual results in the display. These icons can be used to drag and drop the results to which they correspond. This is activated by pressing the middle mouse button, or Alt left mouse button, over the box and then moving the cursor over the SPIN Sequence Comparison Plot to the new location or anywhere outside the SPIN Sequence Comparison Plot. As the cursor moves over each part of the plot rectangular boxes will appear to indicate the position that the dragged result will occupy if the mouse button is released. Results can be dropped on top of another plot (signified by a rectangle drawn over the centre of the plot), above another plot (signified by a rectangle drawn in the top third of the plot), or below another plot (signified by a rectangle drawn in the bottom third of the plot). Moving the mouse cursor outside the SPIN Sequence Comparison Plot and releasing the mouse button will create a new SPIN Sequence Comparison Plot containing that result.