The purpose of this menu is to configure the operation of the contig editor, including the consensus calculation, the active tags and the status lines. Settings can be saved using the "Save settings" button. Settings for the following options can be changed.
The contig editor can display several additional text lines underneath the consensus sequence. This "status" data is of textual form and can provide additional information about the data displayed above. Currently, there are two forms of status line available. These are "Strands" and "Translate Frame". Both status line types update automatically as edits are made that change the consensus.
The status line menu is accessed by cascading off the settings menu. It contains the following.
"Show Strands" creates a single line consisting of the +, -, = and ! characters. These indicate: positive strand only, negative strand only, both strands (in agreement) and both strands (in disagreement) respectively.
The frame translation status lines provide translations in each of the six available reading frames. Alternatively, using the "Translate using feature tables", only segments described in CDS records will be translated. The CDS records are those contained in the reference sequence. Translations can be displayed in either the single character or the three character amino acid codes.
Pressing the right mouse button on the 'name' segment of the status line (on the left hand side) pops up a menu. The commands available may depend on the type of the status line chosen, however currently it will always only contain the "Remove" command. This, as expected, removes the status line from the display. To remove all status lines use the "Remove all" command from the "Status Line" cascading menu.
Note that the data in the status line cannot be cut and pasted, modified or searched; it is not possible to move the cursor into these lines.
The editor trace display has two configurations specific to its own usage.
When switched on, auto-display traces will direct certain searches to
automatically display relevant traces to aid in solving problems. This
works in conjunction with most appropriate searches. The traces chosen to
solve the "problem" will, by default, be the best trace from each strand which
agrees with the consensus (which is calculated at a low
consensus cutoff) and the
best trace from each strand which disagrees with the consensus. This selection
of traces may be adjusted by modifying the
configuration variable. The
default setting of this is "+ - +d -d
". Each of the space separated
elements in this string corresponds to a trace file to choose. If one cannot
be found, then it is ignored. The order listed here is the order in which they
will be displayed in the trace window. The complete list of available trace
specifiers is:
Once this is activated, whenever the user double clicks on a base in the editor sequence display, not only is the reading's trace displayed, but also its designated reference trace plus the difference between them. If its complementary reading is available, its trace and reference trace and their differences are also displayed.
Trace differences display
As is shown in the figure below, it is also possible to set the trace
difference display to use positive and negative references
For further information about mutation detection, seesection Search for Mutations.
This allows selection of the consensus algorithm to use within the Contig
Editor. Like the consensus and quality cutoff parameters, it is local to the
specific editor being used. The main Consensus algorithm option should be used
to globally change the algorithm being used.See section Consensus Algorithm.
This toggles between the normal sequence display (showing the current base
assignments) and one in which those assignments that differ from the consensus
are highlighted. It makes scanning for problems by eye much easier.
Several modes of highlighting are available: "By dots" will only display the
bases that differ from the consensus, displaying all other bases as full
stops. The base colours are as normal (ie reflecting tags and quality). "By
foreground colour" and "By background colour" displays all base characters,
but colours those that differ from the consensus. This allows easier visual
scanning of the context that a difference occurs in, but it may be wise to
disable the displaying of tags. Finally the "Case sensitive" toggle controls
whether upper and lower case bases of the same base type should be considered
This toggles the consensus calculation routine between
treating both strands together or independently. In the independent
case any difference between the two strands is shown in the
consensus as a '-'. Hence these clashes are found as problems by the
"Search by problem" option.
Selecting auto-save toggles the auto save feature. Initially this is
turned off each time the contig editor is invoked. Once toggled the
adjacent checkbox will be set to indicate the feature is enabled and
the contig will be saved. From that point onwards the contig editor
will write its data to disk every 50 edits. Each time an auto save is
performed it is announced in the output window. Saving more frequently
can still be performed manually by using "Save Contig".
Unlike "saves" made using the manual "Save Contig" command,
the "Undo" button will allow the user to undo edits regardless
of when the last auto save occurred.
By default, the codon translation within the status line displays
single character amino acid codes. Selecting "3 Character
Amino Acids" will toggle the status line to display three
character amino acid codes.
When set, this forces readings from the same template to be displayed
vertically adjacent to one another. The real "X coordinate" of the reading is
not changed, so this has no effect for readings from the same template that
are never visible together on the screen at the same time. The purpose of the
function is to provide a method for grouping batches of readings
together, for example when looking for mutations. They
do not need to be from the same template, but can be grouped using the
template name.
Note that when
this mode is in use the operation of the up and down arrow keys incorrectly
affects the editing cursor. Using the mouse to position the editing cursor
still works correctly.
When the quality cutoff value is 0 or higher and either of the "show
reading quality" or "show consensus quality"
toggles is set, the background for
bases is shaded in a grey level dependent on their quality. There are ten
levels of shading with the darkest representing poor data and the lightest
representing good data. So with the quality cutoff set to 50, all bases with a
quality of less than fifty are shown with a red foreground and a dark grey
background, bases with quality just above 50 will have the darkest grey
background, and bases with a quality of 100 will have the lightest background.
When tags are present the background colour is that of the tag rather than the
The colours used are adjustable by modifying your `.gaprc' file. The
defaults are shown below.
When set, any change between the bases displayed and the original sequence
held in the trace files is shown by changing the background colour of the
changed base. The detection of these edits depends on the quality values
and the "original position" data. Hence the traces do not need to be present
in order to detect edits. The colour of the bases reflects the type of change
found. The colours are adjustable by editing the `.gaprc' file. The
following table lists the colour, gaprc variable name and the meaning.
The ruler at the top of the contig editor displays every tenth base number in
the consensus sequence. Without "show unpadded positions" enabled any
character in the consensus is counted, including padding characters. If "show
unpadded positions" is enabled the ruler will only count non pad ("*")
characters. Please note that this may considerably slow down the editor on
large databases as the full consensus needs to be calculated in order to plot
the ruler. If you just need to obtain the occasional unpadded position it is
better to press the Enter key or to use the "unpadded position" search.
"Set Active Tags" allows configuration of which tag types should be displayed
within the editor. Note that searches for tag annotations will only examine
active tags, but searching for a specific tag type will find tags even when
tags of this type are not visible. In this situation the tag will still be
invisible, but as usual the tag location will be underlined. This option is
particularly useful for exploring cases where a section of sequence has many
overlapping tags. An alternative to using this dialogue is using the Control-Q
key, which toggles the display of active tags.
"Set output list" pops up a dialogue asking for a list name to be used
when outputting reading names (see section Lists).
Once an output list has been specified,
pressing the middle button, or Alt left mouse button,
on a reading name will add the name to the
end of list. Note that selecting the same name more than once will add
the name to the list more than once. The list is never cleared by the editor.
This allows multiple editors to append to the same list. If required, use the
list menu to clear the list.
Replacing bases or inserting new bases in the editor can assign new confidence
values to those bases. The default setting is to set these confidence values to 100
which has the effect of forcing the consensus to be that base. The "Set
Default Confidences" dialogue allows these default values to be changed.
The allowable range of confidence values for a base is from 0 to 100
inclusive. The dialogue also allows selection of confidence -1. This tells the
editor to not change the confidence value. When replacing a base this keeps
the same confidence value of the base that is being replaced. When inserting a
base this uses the average of the confidence value of the two surrounding
Storing the undo information takes up a great deal of computer
memory and slows down the alignment algorithm. Particularly when using
the Join Editor for very large overlaps (e.g. after copying batches of
readings from one database to another), it can be useful to turn off
the saving of undo information.
For this reason the settings menu
contains an option to turn off (or on) the saving of undo information.
(Click for full size image)
(Click for full size image)
Consensus Algorithm
Highlight Disagreements
Compare Strands
Toggle auto-save
3 Character Amino Acids
Group Readings by Templates
Show Reading and Consensus Quality
set_def CONTIG_EDITOR.QUAL0_COLOUR "#494949"
set_def CONTIG_EDITOR.QUAL1_COLOUR "#696969"
set_def CONTIG_EDITOR.QUAL2_COLOUR "#898989"
set_def CONTIG_EDITOR.QUAL3_COLOUR "#a9a9a9"
set_def CONTIG_EDITOR.QUAL4_COLOUR "#b9b9b9"
set_def CONTIG_EDITOR.QUAL5_COLOUR "#c9c9c9"
set_def CONTIG_EDITOR.QUAL6_COLOUR "#d9d9d9"
set_def CONTIG_EDITOR.QUAL7_COLOUR "#e0e0e0"
set_def CONTIG_EDITOR.QUAL8_COLOUR "#e8e8e8"
set_def CONTIG_EDITOR.QUAL9_COLOUR "#f0f0f0"
Show edits
-- Deletion
-- Base change or insertion
-- Padding character
-- Confidence value
Show Unpadded Positions
Set Active Tags
Set Output List
Set Default Confidences
Set or unset saving of undo
This page is maintained by
Last generated on 22 October 2002.