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#include <IO.h>

int io_write_seq(
        GapIO  *io,
        int     N,
        int2   *length,
        int2   *start,
        int2   *end,
        char   *seq,
        int1   *conf,
        int2   *opos);

This function updates disk and memory details of reading number N. If this reading does not yet exist, all non existant readings up to and including N will be initialised first using the io_init_readings function.

[FIXME: The current implement does not update the fortran lngth (io_length()) array. This needs to be done by the caller. ]

The length argument is the total length of the sequence, and hence also the expected size of the seq, conf and opos arrays. start and end contain the last base number of the left cutoff data and the first base number of the right cutoff data.

Unlike io_read_seq, all arguments to this function are mandatory. If the records on disk do not already exist then they are allocated first using the allocate function.

This function returns 0 for success and non zero for failure.

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This page is maintained by staden-package. Last generated on 1 March 2001.