The tk_utils library provides basic Tcl and Tk extensions suitable for all applications. The common components of the programs, such as the text output display, keyed lists, and the configuration file handling are contained within this library.
The stash
executable is a modified version of wish
that contains
these commands. When not using stash
the Tcl load command must be used
to dynamically link the library. From wish it is necessary to use the
following startup code:
lappend auto_path $env(TKUTILS_LIBRARY) catch {load} catch {load} load
The above assumes that the TKUTILS_LIBRARY
environment variables have been set correctly. These are automatically done if
the package initialisation files (`staden.profile' or
`staden.login') are sourced.
Once either stash
or a boot-strapped wish
is running the
tk_utils library code is available.