reg_get_ops -io handle -id id_number Returns: a Tcl list of available operations.
A Tcl interface to the REG_GET_OPS notification.
reg_invoke_op -io handle -id id_number -option option_number Returns: nothing
A Tcl interface to the REG_INVOKE_OP notification.
reg_notify_update -io handle -contig contig_number Returns: nothing
Sends a REG_LENGTH request to a specific contig, or to all contigs if contig_number is specified as 0.
reg_notify_highlight -io handle -reading identifier -highlight value Returns: nothing
Sends a REG_HIGHLIGHT request to a specific contig, indicating that the highlight value of the specified reading_number is value. The reading is specified as an identifier consisting of the name, #reading_number or =contig_number.
quit_displays io_handle function_name Returns: 0 for success -1 for failure
Sends a REG_QUIT request to all registered data. If an error occurs, a database busy message is sent to the error window with the "function_name" listed.