int type_to_result(GapIO *io, int type, int contig); Returns: id value for success. 0 for failure.
Returns the first id value found for a given id. If contig is specifed as a non zero value we search for id only within this contig. Otherwise all contigs are scanned.
int type_notify(GapIO *io, int type, reg_data *jdata, int all); Returns: 0 for success -1 when none of this type were found.
Sends a notification request to registered data with the specified type. If 'all' is non zero then all registered data with this type will be notified, otherwise only the first instance of this type found will be notified.
int type_contig_notify(GapIO *io, int contig, int type, reg_data *jdata, int all); Returns: 0 for success -1 when none of this type were found.
Sends a notification request to registered data of a given type only within the specified contig. If 'all' is non zero then all registered data with this type in this contig will be notified, otherwise only the first instance of this type found will be notified.