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reg_complement      complement;

typedef struct {
    int    job;        /* REG_COMPLEMENT */
} reg_complement;

Notifies that the contig has just been complemented. It may prove easy to simply handle this and other data change notifications all the same. However in slow functions, it may be quicker to handle complement functions separately, as it can be quicker to complement result data than to recalculate it.


reg_params          params;

typedef struct {
    int    job;        /* REG_PARAMS */
    char  *string;     /* Pointer to params string */
} reg_params;

Sent as a request for obtaining the parameters used for generating this data. Note that in contrast to REG_NAME the string field here is not already allocated. The function acknowledging this request should point string to a static buffer of it's own. Currently, although implemented, this request is not used.


reg_quit            quit;

typedef struct {
    int    job;        /* REG_GET_LOCK */
    int    lock;       /* Sends lock requirements, returns locks allowed */
} reg_quit;

Sent to request a shutdown for this display. This is not like REG_DELETEn, whereby the data is told that it must shutdown as the contig has already been deleted. If a display cannot shutdown (for example it is a contig editor that has unsaved data) the lock should be cleared and the calling function should check this to determine whether the shutdown succeeded. This is handled internally by the tcl_quit_displays function.


reg_cursor_notify   cursor_notify;

typedef struct {
    int    job;           /* REG_CURSOR_NOTIFY */
    int    editor_id;     /* Which contig editor */
    int    seq;           /* Gel reading number (0 == consensus) */
    int    pos;           /* Position in gel reading */
} reg_cursor_notify;

Sent by the contig editor at startup and whenever the editing cursor moves. The editor_id is a number unique to each contig editor, so it is possible to distinguish different editors. seq is either 0 for the consensus, or a gel reading number. pos is the offset within that gel reading, rather than the total offset into the consensus (unless seq is 0).

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This page is maintained by staden-package. Last generated on 1 March 2001.