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Data Structures

For each contig we maintain a list of displays of this data. We register by supplying a function (of a specific type) to our registration scheme, along with any data of our own (called our client_data) that we wish to be passed back. When an operation is performed on this contig the function that we specified is called along with our own client_data and a description of the operation made. A function often does not need to be told of all changes, so when registering it's possible to list only those operations that should be responded to.

In addition to maintaining the above information, each registration contains an identifier, a time stamp, a type, and an "id" value.

The identifier is a simply number that is used to specify a single registered data, or a group of registered data. An example of it's use is within the contig selector; the selector is registered on all contigs, but each registration has the same identifier. A new identifier is returned by calling the register_id function.

The time stamp is allocated automatically when the contig_register function is called. It is displayed within the results manager.

The type is used to flag a registered data as belonging to a specific function. This is useful for when we wish to send a notification to all instances of a particular display, or to query whether the contig editor is running (such as performed by the stop codon display). The current types known are:


The id value is used to distinguish which pieces of data are connected. Each "result" has a single id value, but may consist of multiple pieces of registered data, all sharing the same id.

So the registration consists of the following structure:

typedef struct {
    void  (*func)(
                  GapIO    *io,
                  int       contig,
                  void     *fdata,
                  reg_data *jdata);
    void   *fdata;
    int     id;
    time_t  time;
    int     flags;
    int     type;
    int     uid; /* A _unique_ identifier for this contig_reg_t */
} contig_reg_t;

The func and fdata are the callback functions and client_data. uid is a number unique to all registrations, even those that have common id values. You need not be concerned about it's use; it is internal to the registration system.

Hence the total memory used by the registration system is an array of arrays of above structures. One array per contig, containing an array of contig_reg_t structs.

A notification of an action involves creating a reg_data structure and sending this to one of the notification functions (such as contig_notify). The reg_data structure is infact a union of many structure types; one for each notification type. In common to all these types is the job field. This must be filled out with the current notification type. See section The Notifications Available.

As reg_data is a union of structures, it must be access by a further pointer indirection. For instance, to determine the position of the contig editor cursor from a REG_CURSOR_NOTIFY notification we need to write "reg_data->cursor_notify->pos" rather than simply "reg_data->pos". The complete list of union names can be found in io-reg.h. The current list is summarised below. The types and use of these structures will be discussed in further detail later.

typedef union _reg_data {
    /* MUST be first here and in job data structs */
    int job;
    reg_generic         generic;
    reg_number          number;
    reg_join            join;
    reg_order           order;
    reg_length          length;
    reg_query_name      name;
    reg_delete          delete;
    reg_complement      complement;
    reg_get_lock        glock;
    reg_set_lock        slock;
    reg_quit            quit;
    reg_get_ops         get_ops;
    reg_invoke_op       invoke_op;
    reg_params          params;
    reg_cursor_notify   cursor_notify;
    reg_anno            annotations;
    reg_register        c_register;
    reg_deregister      c_deregister;
    reg_highlight_read  highlight;
    reg_buffer_start    buffer_start;
    reg_buffer_end      buffer_end;
} reg_data;

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This page is maintained by staden-package. Last generated on 1 March 2001.