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#include <IO.h>

int io_delete_seq(
        int2    maxgel,
        int2   *length,
        int2   *start,
        int2   *end,
        char   *seq,
        int1   *conf,
        int2   *opos,
        int2    pos,
        int2    Nbases);

io_delete_seq removes one or more bases from the sequence, confidence and original positions arrays specified. No database I/O is performed.

The existing sequence, confidence values, and original positions arrays are passed as seq, conf, and opos arguments. All are mandatory. The length of sequence and hence the number of used elements in these arrays is passed as length, with start and end containing the left and right cutoff positions. The allocated size of these arrays is maxgel, however it is not required by this function (FIXME).

The pos and Nbases arguments specify where and how many bases to delete, counting with the first base as base number 1. The length argument is described by Nbases and the seq, conf and opos arrays shuffled accordingly. The start and end values may be decrememnted, depending on where the deletion occurs.

The function returns 0 for success.

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This page is maintained by staden-package. Last generated on 1 March 2001.