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The GContigs Structure

typedef struct { 
    GCardinal left;		/* left reading number */
    GCardinal right;		/* right reading number */
    GCardinal length;		/* contig sequence length */
    GCardinal annotations;	/* start of annotation list */
    GCardinal notes;		/* Unpositional annotations */
} GContigs; 
The number of the leftmost reading in this contig. This is a reading number, not a record number.
The number of the rightmost reading in this contig. This is a reading number, not a record number. Note that the rightmost reading is defined as the reading the left end furthest to the right and not the reading with the right end furthest to the right.
The total length of this contig.
The annotation number of the first annotation on the consensus for this contig or 0 if none are available.

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This page is maintained by staden-package. Last generated on 1 March 2001.