Figure 7. The template display showing the whole of the BRCA1 gene (exons in green).
The view obtained from the Template display and shown in Figure 7 is not of
practical use but serves here to illustrate the overall
arrangement of the data for our chosen example the BRCA1 gene. This figure
shows the entirety of the EMBL entry HSLBRCA1 with its exons marked
in green. Only exon 11 has patient trace data stacked above it.
Figure 8. A zoomed-in version of the data shown in Figure 7.
Here we can see all the readings
covering exon 11. Forward readings are light blue, reverse readings orange,
primers are
marked in yellow, mutations in red and orange.
A common mutation appears in the leftmost set of readings and illustrates
the value of using the template display for visualising the overall pattern
of the tagged mutations.
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Last generated on 22 October 2002.