make_weights -- makes weight matrices from sequence alignments
] [-m
mark position]
minimum score] [-C
maximum score]
input weight matrix file name]
output weight matrix file name]
[input aligned sequences file]
is used to create weight matrix files from a file
of aligned sequences. These weight matrices are for use with spin.
The simplest usage is to read in a file of aligned sequence motifs, and write out a weight matrix file created from their observed character frequencies at each position. The only command line input required is the name of the file of aligned sequence and the name for the output weight matrix file. In this mode, make_weights reads in the file of aligned motifs, counts the character frequencies at each position, calculates weights from these, and then applies the weights to all the input sequences, recording the score for each. By default the two cutoff scores written to the weight matrix file will be set to the minimum and maximum scores obtained from this process. In this mode nothing will be written to the output screen.
If no output file is supplied, none is written, but the scores for all the input sequences are written to the screen. In this way the user can decide whether to override the cutoff scores written to the weight matrix file. To set these values they can be supplied on the command line using the -c and -C options.
To see the range of scores for a set of aligned sequences and an existing weight matrix file, the -w option should be used. In this case the matrix file is read, applied to the set of aligned sequences, and the scores are listed on the screen.
The -m option is used to set the mark position and the -v option simply lists the current version number of the program.
The screen output produced by make_weights can be used as input to make_weights. An example is shown below.
Input to make_weights: HSTGM1A acagcggaccgtgtgaccat comments HSARAF1G aagtctaacagtatctatct HSU01337 aagtctaacagtatctatct HSA132695 gccgattgccgtatgtaaaa HSCEL ctctctgcaggtctcgggat Output from make_weights: HSTGM1A acagcggaccgtgtgaccat 0 0.049247 comments HSARAF1G aagtctaacagtatctatct 1 0.010509 HSU01337 aagtctaacagtatctatct 2 0.010509 HSA132695 gccgattgccgtatgtaaaa 3 0.133783 HSCEL ctctctgcaggtctcgggat 4 0.206426
The output has added two extra columns between the sequences and the comments: a motif number and its score. This file could be passed through a sorting program to shift the lowest scoring motifs to the bottom of the file, and then the records with poor scores investigated, and perhaps removed. On UNIX the following creates a file as shown above, called don.s, and then sorts it on score to create the ordered file
make_weights > don.s sort -n -r +3 -o don.s
The weights are calculated in the following way.
The algorithm deals with the problem of zero counts by adding a small amount to every element. For alignments with few sequences the effect will be quite marked, but for large datasets it will be very small.
The score for unknown characters found in sequences is set to the mean for the column.
In calculating the log odds it is assumed that probability of each base type in a random sequence is 0.25
Let the counts for each position (column) and character type in the alignment be stored in counts, and put the weights in matrix. Both are two dimensional arrays. Char_set_size is the character set size which is 4 for DNA.
for each column sum the counts to get the total set small to 1 if total = 0 otherwise 1/total set column total to total + small*char_set_size for each character type set matrix to counts + small p = matrix/total p = log ( p / 0.25 ) matrix = p set unknown char (matrix) to mean for the column end
Aligned sequences file format
name sequence comments
The file containing the aligned sequences should consist entirely of records containing data. Each record should contain a name, followed by the sequence, followed by arbitrary comments. Each record must be less that 2048 characters. At present make_weights is set to handle up to 10,000 records. Within a record fields (other than within the comments section) are separated by spaces. It is assumed that the sequences are aligned and do not contain leading spaces. For example, the last but 1 record below is not aligned in the file, but will be aligned after parsing.
AB002455 ctgacagaaggtgccagggt 1 AB002456 ccctggctgggtgagtatct 1 AB002456 tttgctccaggtagacactg 2 HSE27 atgtttgagggtgagggccc 1 AB002460 atccccaaaggtgccacagc 1 unusual AB002461 cagggcccaggtaagggcgg 1 AB003312 aatgctcaaggtacagagac 1
A weight matrix file (as shown below) consists of a single record title (here test matrix), a record containing the motif length (here 11), the "mark position" (here 5), and the minimum and maximum scores (here 0.0 and 10.0). The "mark position" is an offset which is added to the position of any matches reported by the search routine in spin. The next two records are ignored by the programs. The first gives the matrix column positions, and the next the total counts in each column. The final records (4 for DNA weight matrices) give the counts for each character type at each position in the motif. These counts are converted into weights that are used during the searches. Any position in a sequence which scores at least as high as the minimum score (here 0.0) is reported as a match, and if the results are plotted they are scaled to fit the range defined by the minimum and maximum scores (here 0.0 and 10.0).
test matrix 11 5 0.0 10.0 P 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 n 8067 8067 8069 8067 8069 8069 8069 8069 8069 8069 8068 a 2572 4755 700 61 73 3759 5667 542 1236 2082 1624 c 3137 1109 301 33 89 260 671 518 1282 1803 2379 g 1515 1146 6343 7897 103 3759 1060 6502 1821 2879 2098 t 845 1059 725 77 7803 288 670 506 3728 1303 1967
The maximum number of columns in a record is 20. Longer motifs will have weight matrix files with sufficient blocks of 20 columns. For example the one shown below has 22 positions and so a second block has been started.
title 22 0 0.0 3.0 P 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 n 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 a 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 c 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 P 20 21 n 4 4 a 2 2 c 1 1 g 0 0 t 1 1
make_weights Usage: make_weights [options] input_file Where options are: [-w input weights filename] [-o output filename] [-c min score] [-C max score] [-m mark position] [-v version]
See section Motif search.