The Template Display can show schematic plots of readings, templates, tags, restriction enzyme sites and the consensus quality. Colour coding distinguishes reading, primer and template types. The Template Display can also be used to reorder contigs and to invoke the Contig Editor.
An example showing all these information types can be seen in the Figure below.
The large top section contains lines and arrows representing readings and templates. Beneath this are rulers; one for each contig, and below those is the quality plot. The template and reading section of the display is in two parts. The top part contains the templates which have been sequenced from both ends but which are in some way inconsistent - for example given the current relative positions of their readings, they may have a length that is larger or greater than that expected, or the two readings may, as it were, face away from one another. Colour coding is used to distinguish between different types of inconsistency, and whether or not the inconsistency involves readings within or between contigs. For example, most of the problems shown in the screendump above are coloured dark yellow, indicating an inconsistency between a pair of contigs. The rest of the data, (mostly dark blue indicating templates sequenced from only one end), is plotted below the data for the inconsistent templates. Forward readings are light blue and reverse readings are orange. Templates in bright yellow have been sequenced from both ends, are consistent and span a pair of contigs (and so indicating the relative orientation and separation of the contigs).
At the bottom is the restriction enzyme plot. The coloured blocks immediately above and below the ruler are tags. Those above the ruler can also be seen on their corresponding readings in the large top section. The display can be zoomed. The position of a crosshair is shown in the two left most boxes in the top right hand corner. The leftmost shows the distance in bases between the crosshair and the start of the contig underneath the crosshair. The middle box shows the distance between the crosshair and the start of the first contig. The right box shows the distance between two selected cut sites in the restriction enzyme plots (see section Template Display).