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Summary of Editing Commands

A brief summary of these editing operations and which (if any) edit modes are required can be seen below:

Key          Location    Ins/Rep  Edit Mode           Action
base/*       Reading     Replace  any                 Change base
base/*       Reading     Insert   Insert in read      Change base
delete       Reading     both     Delete in read      Del base left & move
Ctrl delete  Reading     both     Delete in read      Delete base to left
Ctrl d       Reading     both     Delete in read      Delete under cursor
delete       Read start  both     Readint shift       Shift left
space        Read start  both     Reading shift       Shift right
Ctrl l       Reading     both     any                 Move pad left
Ctrl r       Reading     both     any                 Move pad right
Ctrl l       Reading     both     Transpose any       Move base left
Ctrl r       Reading     both     Transpose any       Move base left
[            Reading     both     any                 Set quality to 0
]            Reading     both     any                 Set quality to 100
Shift Up     Reading     both     any                 Incr. quality by 1
Shift Down   Reading     both     any                 Decr. quality by 1
Ctrl Up      Reading     both     any                 Incr. quality by 10
Ctrl Down    Reading     both     any                 Decr. quality by 10
<            Reading     both     any                 Set left cutoff
>            Reading     both     any                 Set right cutoff
Meta left    Reading     both     any                 Adjust left cutoff
Meta right   Reading     both     any                 Adjust right cutoff
*            Consensus   both     any                 Insert pad column
base         Consensus   Insert   Insert any in cons  Insert column
base         Consensus   Replace  any                 Replace column
delete *     Consensus   both     any                 Delete column
delete -     Consensus   both     Del dash in con     Delete column
delete any   Consensus   both     Del any in cons     Delete column
Ctrl d       Consensus   both     Del dash/any        Delete column

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This page is maintained by staden-package. Last generated on 22 October 2002.