The editor operates in two main edit modes - Replace and Insert. Replace
allows a character to be replaced by another and Insert allows characters
to be inserted. Replace is the default mode. The mode can be changed by
pressing the button marked "Insert". The checkbox next to the button will
be set (filled by a dark colour) when the mode is "Insert". By default
these modes are restricted until the Edit Modes menu
is used to change them.
The Edit Modes menu consists of a series of checkboxes and radiobuttons which
control which editing options are enabled.
- Allow insert in read
- Allow del in read
Insertion or deletion within a reading will shift the sequence
characters and so will alter their alignment.
This is acceptable provided action is
taken to correct it, by either shifting the reading or by
inserting or deleting a base elsewhere. This functionality is
disabled by default and is enabled by checking the appropriate
checkbox. Note though that insertion and deletion of bases within
the cutoff data will shuffle the cutoff data rather than the
reading itself and hence will not break alignment. However this
operation still requires the edit mode to be enabled.
- Allow insert any in cons
- Allow del dash in cons
- Allow del any in cons
These operations control the editing actions allowed for the
consensus. By default the only operations allowed are insertion
and deletion of pads. This is because consensus editing is
typically used for removing columns of pads where a single reading
has been overcalled.
When editing at 100% disagreement, such cases will be dashes in the
consensus, so "Allow del dash in cons" enables deletion of both
dash and pads.
"Allow insert any in cons" and "Allow del any in cons" allow any
column to be completely inserted or deleted. These are potentially
dangerous actions, however the "Evidence for edits" options can
detect such edits.
- Allow replace in cons
Replacing a base in the consensus changes all of the bases in
readings at this point that disagree with the typed base. The
actual edit performed depends upon the "Edit by base type" and
"Edit by confidence" radiobuttons.
- Allow reading shift
To shift a reading place the cursor at the far left end of the
reading. If cutoffs is set this should be the far left end of
the cutoff data. Then typing space or delete will move the reading
right or left respectively by one position. This operation is
disabled by default.
- Allow transpose any
Moving pads within a reading is often a useful procedure, and the
'movement' of a pad alone will not break the alignment.
For this reason it is possible to move pads around without using
insert/delete. Placing the cursor over a pad in a reading and
pressing "Control l" or "Control r" will move that pad left or
right one base. This operation will not work with the cursor on the
consensus. Pad movement is allowed at all times. The selection of
"Allow transpose any" allows any pair of adjacent characters to be
- Allow uppercase
A rule often followed by users is to type all modifications in
lower case which makes edited characters easier to see.
The "Allow uppercase" checkbox controls whether this rule is
enforced or not. By default "Allow uppercase" is checked which
means that the rule is not enforced.
- Edit by base type
- Edit by confidence
These two selections are radiobuttons, and are mutually exclusive.
They control the outcome when replacing bases
in the consensus. When editing the consensus
"Edit by base type" changes bases that disagree
with the consensus to the base typed. "Edit by confidence"
changes the confidence of disagreeing bases to 0. If the consensus
quality cutoff value is greater than or equal to zero, characters with an
accuracy value of 0 are ignored in the consensus calculation. That is, although
the characters still appear in the reading, they are not used to calculate the
consensus. In this way it is possible to maintain the original base calls
for visual inspection, but get the correct consensus.
Note that "Edit by confidence" will not work if the
"frequency" consensus algorithm is in use (see section The Consensus Calculation). If you wish to use "Edit by
confidence", make sure that the quality cutoff is zero or higher, otherwise
the frequency consensus algorithm will be used instead.
- Mode set 1
- Mode set 2
To make it easier to set the editing modes two user definable
sets are available. By default these are as follows.
Mode set 1:
- Disallow insert in read
- Disallow del in read
- Disallow insert any in cons
- Allow del dash in cons
- Disallow del any in cons
- Disallow replace in cons
- Disallow reading shift
- Disallow transpose any
- Allow uppercase
- Edit by confidence
Mode set 2:
- Allow insert in read
- Allow del in read
- Allow insert any in cons
- Allow del dash in cons
- Disallow del any in cons
- Allow replace in cons
- Allow reading shift
- Disallow transpose any
- Allow uppercase
- Edit by confidence
Currently the only way of redefining these sets is to add lines to
your `.gaprc' file.See section Options Menu.
The method is to define a list of 1s and 0s to specify the states
in the order listed above. The two default sets are defined as
set_def CONTIG_EDITOR.SE_SET.1 {0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1}
set_def CONTIG_EDITOR.SE_SET.2 {1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1}
This page is maintained by
Last generated on 22 October 2002.