- Number of contigs used is <= number allocated
- Disk and memory values for "number of contigs" are consistent
- Number of readings used is <= number allocated
- Disk and memory values for "number of readings" are consistent
- Disk and memory values for "actual database size" are consistent
- Actual database size <= maximum size
- Data_class is either DNA(0) or protein(1).
- Number of free annotations >= 0 and <= number allocated
- Contig order is consistent
- Number of free notes >= 0 and <= number allocated
- First note has prev_type as GT_Database
- Detect note loops
- Has a left reading number
- Has a right reading number
- The left reading has no left neighbour
- The right reading has no right neighbour
- Chain right to
- check loops
- check holes
- flag a reading as used
- When finished chaining
- check length is correct
- check right reading number is correct
- Reference only valid reading numbers
- Chain left to
- check loops
- flag readings as used, if not done so in right chaining;
- When finished chaining, check left reading number is correct
- Chain along annotation list to
- flag as used
- detect annotation loops
- annotation is within the contig
- annotation is rightwards of previous
- First note has prev_type as GT_Contigs
- Detect note loops
- Memory and disk values tally for
- left neighbour
- right neighbour
- relative position
- length + sense
- Left neighbour is a valid reading number
- Right neighbour is a valid reading number
- Reading is not used zero times
- Reading is not used more than once
- Hand holding: (lnbr[rnbr[reading]] == reading)
- Relative position of reading >= position of left neighbour
- Length != 0
- Used sequence length == "right clip position" - "left clip position"
- Has valid strand (0 or 1)
- Has valid primer
- Has valid sense (0 or 1)
- Chain along annotation list to
- flag as used
- detect annotation loops;
- annotation is rightwards of previous
- First note has prev_type as GT_Readings
- Detect note loops
- No loops in free annotation list
- Is neither used nor is on the free list
- Annotation is not used more than once
- Is used, yet is still on the free list
- Length >= 0
- Has valid strand (0 or 1)
- No loops in free note list
- Is neither used nor is on the free list
- Hand holding: (note->next->prev == note)
- Note is not used more than once
- Is used, yet is still on the free list
- Minimum insert length <= maximum insert length
- Has valid vector
- Has valid clone
- Has valid strand
- Level > 0
- Level <= MAX_LEVEL (MAX_LEVEL currently is 10; a "feasibility" check)
This page is maintained by
Last generated on 22 October 2002.
URL: http://www.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/pubseq/manual/gap4_unix_155.html