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Version-1998.0 Release Notes


The most significant changes in Gap4 include an interface to phrap and a corresponding consensus algorithm to use phred style confidence values, an entirely new Find Internal Joins function, and an increased limit of 32 characters in reading names (was 16).

Phred produces values on the -10log(error_rate) scale. With these confidence values Gap4 can produce the most probable consensus along with confidence values for these consensus bases. The consensus output functions can now strip the pads from the consensus sequence. This means that it is not necessary to spend time removing columns of pads when it is obvious to both users and Gap4 that there really is no base there.

The Contig Editor has also been improved to a provide considerable increase in speed of editing when dealing with the new 'confidence' consensus. The consensus can be shaded to indicate its confidence. Coupled with the "consensus quality" search it provides a means of detecting the consensus bases that are most likely to be incorrect. Gap4 can also provide an estimation of the number of errors in the consensus and an estimated error rate. This allows editing up to a desired error rate and no further. The List Confidence function gives a quick summary of the number of bases that would need to be checked in order to achieve your desired error rate.

The Find Internal Joins function has been completely rewritten. The most significant change is that it now only finds joins that reach the ends of both contigs - ie real potential joins instead of internal repeats. If you find that the old functionality of Find Internal Joins was desirable (in that it found good matches in contigs that did not extend to the ends) then we suggest the use of Find Repeats instead (which has been sped up).


The most significant changes in Sip4 include a significant speed up in "find matching words", especially when comparing a sequence against itself, and the ability to send sequences from Gap4 and Nip4 to Sip4 and link their respective cursors together to allow synchronous scrolling between programs.


The most significant changes in Nip4 include the additional functions: find start codons, find open reading frames, change the genetic code and count the dinucleotide frequencies.

Gap4 Changes

Main changes

Minor updates

Bugs fixed

Sip4 Changes

Main changes

Minor updates

Nip4 Changes

Main changes

Minor updates

Bugs fixed


Minor features

Bug fixes


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