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Keyboard summary for editing window

("Left", "Right", "Up", "Down" refer to the appropriate arrow keys.)

Escape/Control v                Scroll right one screenful
Meta/Alt v                      Scroll left one screenful

Left or Control b               Move editing cursor left one base
Right or Control f              Move editing cursor right one base
Up or Control p                 Move editing cursor up one base
Down or Control n               Move editing cursor down one base
Control a                       Move editing cursor to start of used
Control e                       Move editing cursor to end of used
Meta/Alt/Escape a               Move editing cursor to start of cutoff
Meta/Alt/Escape e               Move editing cursor to end of cutoff
Meta/Alt/Escape comma           Move editing cursor to start of contig
Meta/Alt/Escape fullstop        Move editing cursor to end of contig

Meta/Control/Alt Left           Extend left cutoff data
Meta/Control/Alt Right          Extend right cutoff data
Control l                       Move pad left
Control r                       Move pad right
<                               Zap left cutoff data
>                               Zap right cutoff data

[                               Set confidence to 0
]                               Set confidence to 100
Shift Up                        Increase confidence of base by 1
Shift Down                      Decrease confidence of base by 1
Control Up                      Increase confidence of base by 10
Control Down                    Decrease confidence of base by 10
Delete                          Delete base or Shift reading left
Backspace                       Delete base or Shift reading left
Control Delete                  Delete base from left and move left
Control d                       Delete base from right; do not move

Space                           Shift reading right
Undo key or Control underscore  Perform an undo
Control i                       Toggle insert mode
Control h                       Toggle a sequence for removal
Control t                       Display trace
Control s                       Search forward
Escape Control s                Search backwards
Control x Control s             Save editor
Control q                       Toggle tag display
Control c or Control Insert     Copy underlined region to paste buffer
Insert                          Insert a padding character (*)
any ACGT1234DVBHKLMNRY5678*-    Insert or change base (both cases allowed)

Mouse summary for editing window

Left button                     Position editing cursor to mouse cursor
                                Update editor information line
Left button (drag)              Mark start and end of selection
Shift left button               Adjust end of selection
Enter key                       Update editor information line (unpadded pos.)
Return key                      As Enter key, but also moves editing cursor
Left button (double click)      Display trace
Middle button (double click)    Display trace
Control left button             Display commands menu
Right button                    Display commands menu

Mouse summary for names window

Left button                     Toggle user highlight (not in status line)
Middle button/Alt left button   Add name to output list (if set)
Right button                    Display popup menu

Mouse summary for scrollbar

Middle button                   Set scrollbar position
Alt left button                 Set scrollbar position
Left button                     Scroll left or right one screenful

In addition to the scrollbar manipulation, the "<<", "<", ">", ">>" buttons also scroll the editor left or right by half a screenful or one base.

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This page is maintained by staden-package. Last generated on 22 October 2002.